The Ministry of Transportation, Ports and Maritime Affairs (PMA) has announced the coming into force of the Safety Regulations for Non-Conventional Ships. The new safety regulations covers Ships not covered by the provisions of the Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
The purpose of the new regulations is to establish regional minimum safety standards for new and existing ships navigating in the GCC Countries Region. It also intends to standardize safety procedures; protect the marine environment; set the security requirements for this type of vessels; regulate the issuance of statuary certification to ensure sound and proper operation of vessels, particularly passenger ships.
The regulations embody several technical articles and requirements which determine ship inspection procedures and safety precautions, fire prevention, navigational equipment, means of communication, machinery, and ventilation systems in machine rooms in addition to a number of general provisions designed to protect the marine environment.
Undersecretary for Ministry of Transportation, Ports and Maritime Affairs, His Excellency Hassan Ali Al-Majid, said “The Ports and Maritime Affairs’ primary concern is to boost maritime safety in the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf and to prevent pollution”. "These new regulations, which will be applicable within the waters of Bahrain and other GCC states, has been initiated by the Kingdom of Bahrain to ensure the safety of these types of ships, and provide a framework within which PMA can ensure that they comply with safety and marine pollution prevention requirements," he added.
His Excellency said that MoT plans to implement a full action plan related to this new law to ensure that non-conventional Bahraini ships adhere to the regulations, including conducting a workshop to promote awareness amongst the industry.
Last Updated Date: 26-11-2024