That October 2016, was slightly warmer than normal with below average relative humidities and wind speed.
The mean temperature of the month was 29.4°C. This is 0.2°C above the long-term normal. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 33.7°C.
The highest temperature recorded in the month was 38.3°C set on the 10th October at Bahrain International Airport. But recorded 40.3°C on the 11th October at Sitra Island.
During the month Bahrain had 4 days with maximum temperature exceeded 35°C.
The mean minimum temperature of the month was 25.9°C. The lowest temperature recorded was 23.3°C set on the 25th October at Bahrain International Airport. But recorded 20.8°C on the 31st October at Durrat Al Bahrain.
The mean relative humidity for October was 58%. The mean maximum relative humidity for the month was 79%. The mean minimum relative humidity for October was 30%. This goes on record as the lowest mean monthly minimum relative humidity for October since 1955. The old record was 31% in October 2012.
No precipitation was reported in October. The long-term average precipitation for October is 0.5 mm. Note that the highest monthly rainfall ever recorded for October was 8.9 mm which occurred on October 1969.
October 2016 was the fourth sunniest month for all October’s since the sunshine records began in 1968. The monthly total hour of sunshine was 325.3 hours and exceeded by October 2014 which was 329.4 hours, October 2013 which was 327.7 hours and October 1998 which was 326.6 hours.
The prevailing wind was 33% from Northwest direction with gusts reached 25 knots on the 13th October at the Bahrain International Airport.
Mist reported at Bahrain International Airport on the 25th October. Visibility dropped to 3000 meters. But on the same day, Fog reported in some places around the kingdom and visibility dropped to less than 1000 meters.
Last Updated Date: 28-11-2024